From the preface to my physics book, "Waves," Soseki:
Clear-colored stones
are vibrating in the brook-bed....
or the water is.
From the preface to my physics book, "Waves," Soseki:
Can't sleep.
If I were a hygiene product, I'd be
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I just ran into a girl I met this summer and she had a big bandage on her nose. The first thing I thought was that she must have got a nose job. Then I thought no... its probably something else. Well, I asked her what happened to her nose and she said, Well, I got it fixed. (hehe!)" I asked her why she did it and she said, "I needed it." Her nose looked fine before! It had a hint of Arabness in it. It wasn't small, and it was sort of hook shaped, but not at all ugly. Her dad is lebanese. Now it's small in the middle, turned up a bit at the end, and I guess is what most people would consider a beautiful nose. It disgusts me. Why would you change who you are to aspire to something so superficial and manufactured? She's got the looks, I'll give her that. She has curly soft brown hair, she's about 5'7'' and shes thin and muscular. And now she has the nose too. But she's not beautiful. It just made me feel really weird. I don't know why.
"One thing we know for certain, though, is that quintessence is a fundamentally fickle force. Early in the universe's history, quintessence was all-powerful, frantically driving inflation in the first moments after the Big Bang. For ages afterward, it lay quietly in space, struggling half-heartedly against gravity and allowing the universe to slowly expand. Today, however, quintessence seems to have returned to full-force, slapping gravity out of the way as it accelerates the universal expansion."
How my sister tried to kill me last night
Life is a marooned sequenced woman at a ball waiting.... waiting.... waiting... When will she come? When will we go to the moon and envelope the world in a giant mushroom cloud of love and... shroomy things! In the fourth grade, they sat crouched on rocks trying to catch minnows with broken beer bottles. A year ago, they ran and played on the slide and climbed on things. Then they were there again to do it all over again. Again and again and there I was, watching them. Is life too long? Will she ever cross the room, and sweep me off my feet again?
I'm A Good Old Rebel
Metaphysical enchantment in the late afternoon while I'm bored
I am not a rock.