Friday, June 27, 2003

Taoism is inherently good, but science is not inherently bad. Neither is knowledge for the sake of knowledge. And people can ask questions with no answers and that can have value. I just finished reading the Tao of Pooh and I have come to that conclusion. Science is not Good or Bad. It can be Good and it can be Bad. I think Taoism is unique because it cannot be bad.

I guess my bird class was silly. The tests were silly, and so were the trips, but I still liked it! We would wake up early in the morning and drive out of Austin. We would stop anytime someone saw something by the road. We craned our necks and chased birds and flipped through our field guides. We felt very proud when we identified birds. We got excited when we saw rare birds and we said "oh those are just starlings" and felt very important to know that starlings are just common. We got mad when it rained. So yes, it was stupid! But I notice every single bird I see now. I watch them all the time. I also notice dragonflies and trees. I guess a Taoist would not need to memorize names to notice birds and trees and dragonflies. A Taoist would go for a walk and be completely aware of all that is around without any effort. There are many ways to peel the skin off a toad. There are many alleys that lead to the road. There are different types of places in which to Abode and sometimes people carry a Big Load.

I don't almost die everyday. I just think I do. I drive like a Taoist. I drive the Wu Wei way. I never really think much, and I don't look at my speedometer, and when I do, I don't pay attention to it. I flow in and out of traffic, sometimes slamming my breaks on. I get tense sometimes, and I say swear words and my blood pressure goes up. And I think to myself "I almost died!" I need to stop doing that, because it will all be fine if I learn to flow in the traffic, the way a stick floats on water. And I haven't died yet, and if I do, then oh well. No more click click click type type type.

I do worry alot and struggle alot, and get confused. I should stop that too.

I think the Tao of Pooh is too critical of Brain and Thinking. Brain and Thinking can be bad, but Brain and Thinking sometimes good!

Points of Discussion For Later!

1. I almost die every day.
2. Hands were not ment to do what mine do.
3. Country music is dead!
4. But you're a real humdinger, like yeller pudding.
5. And the jackel cried.
5. Strom Thurman died.
6. My bird class was not just knowledge for the sake of knowledge. It was more than that! (ALEX)
7. It was 68 degrees this morning.
8. I was thinking about my favorite places in the world when I was driving yesterday, and I realized that my favorite place is the alleys in Osmond, Nebraska. I love the way everyone waves, and that the entire town is one square mile.
9. Salvation is free.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

I BEAT Dad! Last night, history in our family was made. I have never beat Dad at tennis. He let me win a few times when I was younger, but I never really beat him. I think it was because I sat in this small room at work for 10 hours and I was going crazy. My concentration on the ball was unprecedented! My serves were better than usual too. Ok, I'm at work so I better get back to working. I reformat job briefs in MS Word all day. It is really awful. Bye for now.

Friday, June 20, 2003

There is a level red air pollution warning today. That means the air is bad for everyone, not just old people and little kids. The past few days my throat has been scratchy and icky in the morning. I hate this about summer. It will probably be in the 100s this weekend, and that means more pollution.

AHhhhhhhhhhh! I missed Junteenth. I wanted to go this year. :( I MUST go study for the MCAT. I am so torn about my future.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I got a job! This time for real. Yesterday I thought I had a job doing data entry but they told me no because they don't want a student. Today I got a call from Volt and they said they have a job for me at Verizon. My long days of job hunting are coming to an end. But it's a long drive, 8-5pm, and I just hope the work isn't too bad. But I learned something from applying at all these businesses. I type 77 words per minute and 9700 keystrokes per hour. I am a force to be reckoned with. Just give me a keyboard and I'll make your ears fall off with all the clicking.

I saw Matrix Reloaded today and it was ok. The fight scenes were amazing. It reminded me of watching Bruce Lee movies with my dad and my brother when we were younger. I didn't like the first part of the movie very much, and the huge party in Zion. I don't think I will ever get used to seeing sex on a big screen. It makes me feel embarassed! Argyrios mentioned that it was a good love scene, as love scenes go, because it was so realistic. They were sweaty and disheveled. But it still made me feel uncomfortable. I guess that's my Muslim upbringing. I didn't think it was necessary. You can see the love between Trinity and Neo without showing them having sex. I don't think there is anything inherently evil about sex scenes, but I dont' think I'll ever get used to them. The movie really wasn't that violent. There wasn't lots of blood and heads getting ripped off, but amazing martial arts. Wow! My mom said the movie was banned in Egypt. I can see why. The prophecy is a lie, and the oracle is just a computer program. Or is it a lie? Who knows.

I went to Volt to take a drug test after the movie. As I was sitting there waiting I picked up a Time magazine, and read some of the letters to the editor. They were about the Matrix reloaded because the last month's magazine did a cover story on the Matrix (which incidentally was produced by AOL Time Warner). One of them said something like this: "A mass media production doesn't just report on culture, it also creates it." I think that's probably true.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

I forgot how theraputic fighting can be. I fought my brother last night, and what a fight it was! I was sitting peacefully at the computer, and he came up behind me, said "dad watch this" and in one swift move pulled the chair out from under me. I went plop, I turned around and there my dad and brother stood giggling. You can imagine the rage that I flew into. In one graceful move, I jumped up, and in another, I flew across the living room and started pummeling my brother with punches! But, he had a pillow! I threw punch after punch into the pillow, as hard as I could. He was giggling and this made me angrier, I growled and roared, and kept punching, then I pulled him off the couch and started strangling him! Instinctively, I wrapped one arm around his neck, and put my other arm behind his head, and squeezed. He flipped me over his shoulder, but i still had a hold of his neck.

I still don't have a job. I feel like my life has become one long job hunt. I've had so many interviews over the past few weeks! I am waiting to hear from the temp services I applied to, and I applied at Petsmart for a parttime job. I wish I had applied for an internship or something. I'm helping my dad at his shop, and also trying to study for the MCAT. I am reading a book called "The beginning and the end" by Naguib Mahfouz, an Egyptian auther. I've been going on bikerides with my mom, playing tennis with my dad and walking my dog. I play boggle with my mom and dad every night. I haven't been running too much. I mow the lawn, cook , and help clean. I look at birds at the park. There are lots of them! It's crazy how that bird class has affected me. I notice every single bird now. I can't not look at them. At the park I saw some yellow crowned night herons once. Those are rare. It was really neat. There are swallows, great white herons, little blue herons, cattle egrets, and snowy egrets. I watch Days of Our Lives at 1, the Simpsons or Family Matters at 5, Everybody loves Raymond at 5:30, and Startrek at 11. I even listen to NPR sometimes. I like "All things Considered." I play scrabble almost every day on the internet. I keep up with the news mostly by the internet. I love the internet. It is my portal to the world. But it's sort of strange to read about the world every day. I looked up the population of the Congo, and it is a little less than 3 million. In the past 4 years of fighting in the Congo, about 3 million people have been killed. How is that possible? I read an article about an 8 year old boy in Bunia. He said that the first time he shot someone he felt scared and sad, but now he feels nothing. He said he has a man's job, and that as long as he kills someone everyday, he is safe. And Iraq is still a big mess. Bush made a huge mistake. There isn't any more peace in the middle east now than there ever has been. Why was there so much support for the war? It was weird to see people say things like "support our troops!" and "I'm proud to be an american." What does that mean? Why does that mean send thousands of people to Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein? Why does that have anything to do with Al-queda? I like the quote "A true patriot must have the courage to defend his country from his government," because to me thats what patriotism is about. It is loalty to the principals that America was built on. We aren't supposed to be an empire, or the world police, or the world bullies. We aren't supposed to control all the oil in the world. Iraq is still a mess, from what the news says. In fact, it seems like there is more anti-American sentiment than there ever has been. A few Imams at mosques have been telling the people to resist the occupiers. Thats us, the Americans. Saddam Hussein is probably still alive and well and supposedly sends letters to people in Iraq every now and then, telling them to resist the occupiers. Fighting is still going on, even though Bush declared the war over a few weeks ago (or was it a few months ago?) His roadmap to peace in Isreal and Palestine isn't working either but thats happened before. The News talks alot about Iran now, and their supposed weapons of mass destruction program. I am so tired of hearing about weapons of mass destruction. None have been found in Iraq, but Bush still says very arrogantly and confidently that he is sure that there are WMDs in Iraq (and maybe Iran and Syria) and the truth will be revealed in time. It doesn' make sense the he can say he is sure when there is no evidence. Oh, and the other night on World news Tonight, they were talking about a large smuggling opperation of nuclear weapon materials from Russia. But nuclear material was found in Southeast Asia! Roar! Leave it alone! I wonder what will happen in the 2004 election. I really wish Ralph Nader would finally win, but I don't see that happening.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

"I still remember the world
From the eyes of a child
Slowly those feelings
Were clouded by what I know now

Where has my heart gone
An uneven trade for the real world
I want to go back to
Believing in everything and knowing nothing at all

I still remember the sun
Always warm on my back
Somehow it seems colder now

Where has my heart gone
Trapped in the eyes of a stranger
I want to go back to
Believing in everything"
-Rubin Mendoza

Friday, June 13, 2003

It has been monsooning for the past few days. I love it! I love it when there is thunder and lightning. It makes me feel alive. My summer is going pretty good. I go through times when I feel like I am going to explode from boredom, and sometimes I just feel depressed, other days are wonderful. The day before yesterday was one of those great days, for no good reason. It was a sunny and beautiful morning. I woke up and played scrabble! That was fun. I beat Argyrios very badly which was also fun. I played BLAZERS for 92 points. But he played SKANKIER the day before through 2 triple word scores and got 149 points. Then what did I do? I'm not too sure. I mowed the lawn. And edged and swept. Tiffany, my 10 year old neighbor kept me company and helped me. I went to the grocery store for my mom. Then I drove to Grand Prairie to get cheep gas, and I was filling the gas tank for the mower and I spilled gas all over! That was exciting. It squirted on my face and clothes. I grilled chicken and beef on the grill for my mom. I went for a bikeride. I watched star trek with my brother. I walked my dog. And that was my wonderful day. :)

Sunday, June 08, 2003

I am full of cabbage. I made mahshi today with my mom at the request of my dad. I had to wear goggles to cut the onions. I was so jealous today that I almost exploded. My brother got a laptop. A beautiful new laptop from work for only 500 dollars. So now he has: a truck, a cellphone, a laptop. And what do I have? Nothing! In other news I found a poem that I wrote but I don't remember writing it. But it's in my handwriting. Here it is.

Tent -
Tent made of leaves!
Why do you rustle as I try
to sleep?
Are your arms too weak?
You must be strong
because I am trying to sleep.
And if I sleep,
I need a tent of leaves
not to rustle,
to sing and whisper
but not shift as you do.

Well, thats about all. I haven't been writing much lately. I haven't put much time into the Bananajungle either. but I am becoming a good whistler this summer. I've been whistling alot. I sat in the backyard and sang for Peter tonight. He can't hear me. Thats all.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

It is so incredible, the way the world is.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

I think Mr. Bean is an alien. I know that isn't very important, but looking back, everything makes more sense. The way he goes Splat! at the beginning of every episode, coming from no where. Either he is an alien or some sort of an angel expelled from the heavans, or maybe he's on some sort of a mission for a diety. That would explain the celestial music.