Saturday, November 29, 2003

Now THIS is a mongoose! I think....

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Like Magneto, we have made choices in our lives, we have taken our stand for what we believe in. We were both haunted men, him by a nightmare, me by a dream. Time will tell which of us was right. His choice was ever fueled by rage, tainted by the despair that scars his soul. As ours, I pray, will be sustained by hope. We have it within ourselves, X-Men -- as do all people, whether mutants or no -- to leave our world better than we found it. To strive for the heights of our potential, to seek out the best in ourselves and in others, where Magneto would have automatically assumed the worst. Yes, that is an ideal. Perhaps an unattainable one. But success in this is not what is important. What matters is the attempt. And our powers, our role as heroes -- perhaps even the simple fact that we live -- gives us the obligation to try.
~Professor X, X-Men #3

(stolen from caberation's away message)

Sunday, November 16, 2003


Thursday, November 13, 2003

I had a dream last night, a good dream. I dreamed that the person who stole my bikeseat returned it. And I changed my mind. I don't want to escape. That's silly. I want to immerse! Yeah, thats it.

RUNNING IS GREAT. Thats another thing. I love running, I forgot though. Lia and me ran to the capital like we used to do and it was wonderful. We talked about that Sheldrake guy. I'll write more later, probably. Oh, Johnny cash is the man. Thats another thing. :)

I am so excited about thanksgiving. My grandparents are coming! And over winterbreak my aunt from egypt is coming. She's the one who everyone says I'm just like. It will be great to meet her. I look like her daughters, and I'm sappy like her, and I'm a push-over like her. I'm also klutzy like her. I can't wait to hug her, and talk to her in my broken Arabic.

"Like that lucky old sun, give me nothin to do, but roll around in heavan all day."

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

escape! Escape forever
in the warmth of a sun in the south,
that never sets but is setting forever,
in the freedom of the sky that is swirling forever,
colorful, plentiful eventful
Rest, in sand that is always warm and dry
free in a boat that is old and simple. Escape,
escape from these bodies,
escape from the people all over,
Like rows and rows of small bottles that keep multiplying,
that keep crying, that go RUN, run, run! Run where? run why? Run to avoid dying.
All that is left is despair, injustice, and chaos.
The possiblity of our dreams is destroyed.
not even a few gems remain

amid the ruined homes,the pain, and the loss,
will a few find themselves joyful?
Is it impossible?

Someone stole my broken, wobbly bike seat! I went to get on my bike this morning and there it was, seatless. Oh well.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Trent aimed me this today:

Cure Fanatic 82: i saw some guys in the union debating where to go for lunch
Cure Fanatic 82: the one guy said they should probably boycott taco bell because he saw something online about it
Cure Fanatic 82: but then they ended up going there because the line was shorter

It makes me feel very useless. Tonight I was going to go to Wendy's to get a burger but the line was too long and I was in a rush. I looked longingly at Taco Bell, and thought about getting a burrito. They are good and so cheap! But I didn't. I went and got a stupid energy bar instead because I didn't have time for Wendys. The line at taco bell had about twenty or more people by the time I had my energy bar. I don't think the boycott is going to work. Taco Bell burritos are just too cheap and good. And people are too lazy and busy and tired to think about it, or if they think about it, they don't think it will matter. Change only happens when people are desperate, and the people who are supposed to boycott Tacobell aren't the desperate ones. The people who are desperate are the tomato workers. I think they should go on strike. I think it's the only thing that will work. I'm still not going to eat there, but I don't know if it matters.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

My last childhood pet died yesterday. His name was Peter and he was 15 years old. He would have been 16 this summer. My mom buried him in the backyard. It was good that he died. My mom has been saying for the past few years "I wouldn't give him another month," but he's kept living with all his health problems. He was my brother's dog, more than my dog. I'll miss taking him for walks to the park. We named him after Peter Pan. He's the 3rd dog of ours to be put to rest in the backyard. We also have 2 cats, 2 hamsters and 3 chickens and 2 rabbits burried out there. He's among friends. The 2 cats - Sheeba number 1, and Tiger, the 2 hamsters, Chip and Morris (Morris died last week, I forgot to mention it) and the three chickens - Henry, Henny and Babushka, and the 2 rabbits - Daisy and Bugsy.

If I ever have children I won't beat them. I will also have lots of animals around. I think having lots of pets was a wonderful way to grow up. I think I'm going to go to Buddhist meditation offered for free on campus. It's in 20 minutes! I better go. I'll write about it later.

You are The Dutchess
You are The Dutchess

You have major mood swings. One moment, you're in
the kitchen beating your child and the next,
you're talking sweetly with Alice at the
croquet match. Maybe you should cut back on
the pepper intake?

What Alice in Wonderland Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I hope this isn't true. But you know what they say about those online quizzes - they never lie!

Monday, November 03, 2003

I went to yoga tonight, and it was possibly the best thing I've done in 2 weeks! My body thanked me.

This weekend, I figured some things out about myself.

My sanity is fragile. I think most people's sanity is fragile, but I can only speak for myself. I am usually a happy person, but underneath I am afraid and uncertain. I am lucky to have good people in my life.

I also think I need to make my schedule less erratic. I work all week and rest and am sane and content, but I don't play very much. Towards the end of the week I become less and less sane. By Friday I am frazzled and sleep-deprived. On Friday and Saturday I go nuts! I recover on Sunday, and do it all over again.

It’s Monday night so I need to prepare for organic chemistry lab, and do arabic homework. I better get busy.