The Final Week of Death and Doom
Was Not Quite Right Without a Broom,
A Broom? Yes, I say, a broom!
Make room, make room, I will attack all with my broom,
my Broom of Doom,
And sit quietly at my loom,
In quite a state of gloom.
The Final Week of Death and Doom
I saw a baby grackle today. I was running to the library to return a late book, and as I went running around a corner, I glanced into a little tree, and there it was! Right in the middle - not a baby, but very young and still fuzzy. There was an adult grackle feeding it that flew off when I came. I stood there and just stared at the little thing. Baby birds are so ugly, but beautiful too. It just sort of stood there and cocked its head and looked at me. The adults scolded me from a higher tree, but the little creature seemed so peaceful. It made me smile from ear to ear.
A single brown necked american avocet, unaware of brown necks other than its own and its own kind, hopped up and down on a leg, on the shore, and listened as the wind whistled over a bottle in the sand.
I'm tired. It's raining outside.
I'm like a chicken roosting in the parted grass, behind the shed, in the dark, on a pile of eggs,
Quick update, in the name of science!
I am Samia. And I have come to a realisation: I am a giant turtle.
The code would somehow need to become more specific. As it is, all of the combinations result in one amino acid or another (of the 20). ... That's so weird!!! I don't understand.
In other news I am back to eating sugar. I lasted all day Monday without, and even all day Tuesday, until that night when certain Temptors provided me with chocolate covered pecans. But I was still determined and lasted all day wednesday and thursday and even till Friday at noon. But then I ate 2 cookies and late Friday night I had some M&Ms. Then today I ate 2 pieces of chocolate pie. Its good to be back. So much for my experiment. :)
I'm studying for gene-ticks and the chapter I am now reading is about how the genetic code was cracked. There are 4 different bases in RNA: adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil, and there are 20 amino acids that combinations of these code must code for. How long are the words? "If the words are 3 letters long then 4^3 = 64 words are possible; for example, AUU, GCG or UGC. This vocabulary provides more than enough words to describe the amino acids. We can conclude that the one word must consist of at least three nucleotide pairs. However, if all words are triplets then we have a considerable excess of possible words over the 20 needed to name the common amino acids."
I'm at the library trying to study but I can't because I'm worrying about a stupid pair of goggles. I found them yesterday in the locker room and I took them with me. I didn't know whether to keep them or turn them in. They are an extremely good pair of goggles, and I don't have any and I need some. So I put them in my backpack and thought to myself "I'll figure it out later." I've been asking people all day what they think I should do. I'm about to pull my hair out!!!
"For a moment Sayward reckoned that her father had fetched them unbeknownst to the Western ocean and what lay beneath was the late sun glittering on green-black water. Then she saw what they looked down on was a dark illimitable expanse of wilderness. It was a sea of solid treetops broken only by some gash where deep beneath the foliage an unknown stream made its way. As far as the eye could reach, this lonely forest sea rolled on and on till its faint blue billows broke against an incredibly distant horizon. "
Cline wants me to get him a plant! Where am I supposed to get him a plant?
I ate 4 chocolate covered pecans last night. Today at lunch I had corn bread with jelly. If I closed my eyes i could pretend it was yellow cake with frosting.
Today is the end of day number two of no chocolate, cake, cookies, ice cream or any such things for me. And I'm mostly ok. I decided on the bus ride home that i would try no sugar for a week. I have never in my life done this. Every day I have ice cream, cookies, and chocolate at the least. It is an interesting experiment.