Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Sound bite of the day: "Black people are fun." So I'm sitting in my living room reading with the windows open listening to the people outside who are standing around and they just smoked some weed. I know they just smoked weed because they talked about it for a few minutes. Their conversations wandered all over the place, starting with the girl next door: "Dude, she's like six feet tall!" "no man, she's gotta be six one, or 2 or something" "You should never hang out with her, I swear to God, she's crazy, totally crazy" "Man, I'm only pushing 5 feet 7 here" "H-town is the mecca for weed" "No way!" "Whoa, you should smoke weed down there" "Like, my part of town was all white. Everyone's like white." "well MY part of town was all like, "ey man, you wanna get a taco" "Hahahahaha!" "Yeah, but black people are fun" "Yeah they are!" "They're like, so cool" "Yeah"

Well, if black people are fun, stoned people are just plain funny.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Bah! I am a bad blogger. Therefore, I should relinquish my blogging rights and kill my blog. But I can't just kill it because every now and then I feel a very strong urge to type about the silly little events in my life. But right now the urge to destroy is very great. So until the urge to type about silly things returns, good bye.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

You can have my empire of dirt.

You are a splendid butterfly it is your wings that make you beautiful.

Nature is what we know yet have no art to say.

Love long and prespire.

Soccer is the greatest sport
I am happy to report
its the greatest game of all
kick that checkered ball.

Now that you've made me want to die
you can fly away.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

The magic is giddy unadulterated love, and joy, without thinking much, it's when you were a little baby feeling everything without anything lofty getting in the way.

"My personal problems? They're the same as everyone's. Feeling insecure and inferior makes me judgemental, arrogant, competitive. Feeling ignorant, I try to become knowledgeable, smart, experienced. Feeling puny in the hugeness of the world, I crave respect, power, strength. Feeling spoiled and sheltered I grasp for excitement and risk. Feeling lack of love, I break hearts and flee closeness. Desiring freedom, I put myself in sutations where I can't have much of it. Needing to feel good and innocent, I disguise my ugly side and manipulate people with niceness. Needing things, and hating myself for needing them, I simultaneously run toward and away from my needs. I concoct substitutes to feed myself emotinally without having to admit I am hungry. "

That's from No More Prisons by William Wimsatt. I don't know what that has to do with magic, and I don't really have anything more to add to it, so there you have it! Well, except that what I got from reading that passage was a question for myself, that I'll probably only be able to answer over a long period of time. Why do I do the things that I do?