Saturday, October 23, 2004

I quit caffeine! After years of being a slave to coffee, tea, coke, and the like, I have broken free.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

I love M&Ms when they are warm.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Dear Green Diary,

Are you green because you love the forest? Do you love the forest because you are an escapist? Do you want to escape because you don't want to face the inevitable? Is there any way to evit the thing you want to escape from, or will it follow you there? No, I'm not talking to you green diary anymore. I'm just a crazy lady talking to myself.


Thursday, October 07, 2004

I wrote a poem in the dark yesterday,
it went like this - cut me a figure-eight cake in a pan
upon a bed for us,
then my arm softly flowed like a wave
led by the music in the room
so slowly that it wasn't real,
wasn't here, wasn't anything
careful or determined.
The sidewalk was all that I saw,
I imagined not seeing
and not hearing
and then it was just the sidewalk and the quiet dark
coming to grips with me.
My face felt cold and hot and I smiled
but not to communicate.
Then I saw a penny,
and it was heads-up like they should be
and so I walked down the steps and bent my knees
so that I could pick up the lucky penny
and when I stood with it in my hands and began to walk away,
there was a man sitting in a chair not far away who saw
and smiled so big that I was so surprised and almost did not smile back.
But I did
just before it was too late my cheeks pulled my lips into a smile and there
I told him that I loved him.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

There is almost nothing more exhilerating than falling in love - when every word, motion, and sensation shared with another person is insanely magical. When your arms brush together accidentally, and you feel your heart pounding in your chest as a result.

The only thing that is almost as exhilerating is being winked at by a destinguished old lady for no good reason. It sent chills up and down my spine! I felt that something ancient, delightful and dangerous had been communicated between us.

It happened 2 nights ago. I was watching the first "debate" between Kerry and Bush with a bunch of old people in a bar at a hotel. They were all sipping on fancy drinks, and watching the TV. Then, the woman in front and to the right of me turned, smiled and winked, and turned back around. She was wearing a smart red dress and had gray hair that was stylishly and somewhat insanely piled upon her head. And that was it! Isn't that cool?