Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Latest News

1. My financial situation is looking up! Thanks to my ability to stuff envelopes, fold fliers, and participate in the creation of junk mail.

2. One day, I will ride the Alaska Highway on my motorcycle.

3. I will also ride to Mexico on a bike.

4. I have a new years resolution, concerning my mental stability in life, which is so important that I will never speak about it to anyone.

And lastly, a prediciton for the future
At some point in my life, I will seriously consider moving into the wilderness and building a cabin.

Thats about all. Have a good 2005 everyone! (den, alex, TsarRylin, tom?, grouse?)


Friday, December 24, 2004


Home is warm, but home is sometimes cold because my parents won't turn the heat up higher than 68 degrees. As soon as the sun goes down, I start to feel cold, it's the weirdest thing. I've been home since Sunday, and haven't done a lick of work! I have a small list of thing to accomplish over the break, but I haven't really started it yet. Here is my list of things to do:

1. Make a syllabus for self-study class
2. Finish graduate school applications
3. Look for jobs
4. Finish Idaho project
5. Play

I have done a really good job on starting number 5. Concerning numbers 1,2, and 3 I haven't started those yet and as far as number 4 goes all I've done is figure out how to shell into my Idaho computer again.

I've been reading books. I'm almost done with Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut, but I don't want to finish it. There are only about 20 pages left, but I have no desire to finish it. I'm also reading "The Importance of Living" which I like to read before I go to sleep. I'm also checking out all these movies from the library so that I won't watch TV. I don't want to watch any TV over this break. Normally on winter break all I do is wake up really late, eat fattening and delicious food all day, watch TV, play on the internet, and go to sleep really late. So I usually gain weight and roll around the house all of winter break like a dull and very boring bear. NOT THIS TIME! I want to LIVE! I need to learn how to live while I'm at home because I think I'm going to spend next year at home working before I go to graduate school.

SO! I am baby-sitting Argyrios's guinea pig over the break. Guinea pigs are pretty dull animals. According to one expert "Guinea pigs, being herbivores, do not need the intelligence of scavengers." Guinea pigs come from South America. Their natural habitat was in the grassy fields along the Andes mountains, where they moved about in herds eating grass, like miniature cows. They are unique because ordinarilly grass-eating animals are enormous, requiring complicated digestion systems to extract the good stuff from grass. But guinea pigs get around it by eating their poop! Rabbits do the same thing. Anyway, I thought it would be fun and easy, but it's not. In Austin, Argyrios lets him run around their house and he poops everywhere. They don't care, but my parents really do. So everytime I let him run around he poops and I have to clean it up and then catch him. He's really hard to catch and he hates me for it. He really likes my cat, but she doesn't like him much.

Well thats all I've got to write for now. Merry Christmas eve.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I wish I was a boy! For the millionth time. It's not that boys are better than girls - they are not. It is just that life is a lot less hazardous for boys, if you want to go on adventures. For example, 2 boys will likely survive a bicycle trip through mexico, south america, indonesia, vietnam or brazil, if they aren't assholes. 2 girls? They'll probably be raped or pillaged somewhere along the way. It's not that humanity is disgusting. It's just that women are precieved to be easy targets. Helpless. Weak.

It is not the case. We are not inherently any of those things.

One day, I will shave my hair. I will work out to buff-up my arms. I will wear a baseball cap and a leather jacket, and I will ride my bike where ever I want.

Monday, December 20, 2004

A Day Begins
by Denise Levertov

A headless squirrel, some blood
oozing from the unevenly
chewed off neck

lies in rainsweet grass
near the woodshed door.
Down the driveway

the first irises
have opened since dawn,
ethereal, their mauve

almost a transparent gray,
their dark veins,
bruise blue.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The only beauty I can imagine is thumbtacks plain and simple....
or the poem I remember reading a long time ago
at dawn,
my favorite part of the day,
the silence and blue sky and bright sun and cold air surround
this squirrel that lies dead in the snow with it's head sawed off.
That poem is awesome!

I'm really sleepy. I have to write a "statement of purpose" for graduate school. I don't even bloody know if I want to bloody go! Well, as I was writing my statement of purpose, it made me feel more purposeful and excited. But mostly......
well i'm trying. I made a promise to myself about a week ago. I had mental clarity and my will was determined. I am holding to that.

I guess I'm all broody because I screwed up the GRE. I shouldn't care. But I do! Dammit, I do. I didn't prepare for it, AND the day of test I had a cold, a crink in my neck, and a sty on my eye.

Ok merry christmas! I'll probably delete this deranged post when I am less deranged.
goodnight. the morning is lovely.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

So. It is time for an update. I was set on only talking about grouse until he commented. But. Now I am awash in sorrow. I just don't care anymore.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Dear Grouse,

I think it's lame that you don't comment anymore. Ever since I changed the format you have been determined to make the windy pops a "commentless wasteland." I think thats mean, and I am mad at you. Just thought I'd let you know -

N.S. Buzzard

P.S. - It wouldn't be such a big deal, but you never call, write, aim or email either!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Hey guys! This is Gir:

I really love Gir.