Tuesday, January 18, 2005

She saw the vulnerabilities of the others clearly. She did not see her own.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

So, I discovered recently that thongs are a lot like beer. Everyone says beer tastes good when it is actually pretty disgusting. They say "You just have to get used to it." Or "Beer is an acquired taste." Thongs are the same! Everyone says they are comfortable, but they aren't. It's like having something up your butt all day. It's exactly like that. Sexy though they may be, I perfer my granny panties, lacy, and non-crack-located.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

megle bleggle weggle floog

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Insanity broils out of my brain
like a train
on an insane
They say “you’re on crack!”
Wenever you lack
the look and the sound,
of all those around,
they say you crack.

But all those around are
dumb and numb,
and I don’t want to be
all those around.
I want to say swell!
The air doesn’t smell,
The ground is not grey,
And everyone everywhere is

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I'm only 20, so I will blame the fact that my worldly experiences are limited and narrow on my youth! The worlds I have experienced to date:
1. Elementary school
2. Sunday school at the Mosque
3. Home school
4. Charter school
5. Community College
6. University Education
7. University Research
8. Petsmart
9. Tutoring community college
10. Reformating word documents at Verizon
11. Stuffing envelopes for Nurseweek
12. Hearding directors of marketing at a pharmaceutical company's conference at a yuppy hotel in Dallas

Number 12 has been most interesting. I have decided I never want to work for a pharmaceutical company. This job has been fascinating in many ways because of my coworkers, and the horrible corporate culture I am able to observe first hand. One of my coworkers is Moldovan, Jewish, was beaten as a child, and likes to talk about his love for beer, porn, women, and Carnival in Rio. But! He also has aspirations of being a missionary. He doesn't care what religion it is, but "not Jewish" Another one is from Barbados, is 48, but looks like she's 34, has fierce green eyes and says in her awesomely Barbadosian accent "I hate everyone. I only love myself." and "I am a horrible person, I must preface everything with that, because I look down on everyone. But God will burn me in hell for that." ANOTHER coworker used to work for Ford in the upper ranks of managment but he couldn't stand it so he quit and gave up that lifestyle and now he works odd jobs and lives in a small apartment.

Well I am pooped. I worked from 7 to 7. I have more stories and more thoughts and more stuff to say and write but I'm too tired. Goodnight! It's another long day tomorrow.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

I am grown old! I fell asleep on New Year's Eve at 11pm. I didn't even stay awake to usher in 2005. Something tells me that is a good sign for the new year. :)